A goodbye poem sent by our friend and contributor from Finland, Juha Rämö
Now hear these words all you
who do what a person’s got to do:
My calling here is sadly done
and I must say it was a great fun,
an honor, a thrill, a light in my way,
a joy that makes my memories sway.
The count of songs in my lingo weird
I’ve tenfolded scratching my beard.
But everything good comes to an end
is a fact I can’t get around or bend.
No longer will I be a pain in the ass,
nor will I be a weed in the grass.
Now it’s time for this odd duck
to wish you all the best of luck.
Take care and don’t let the flare
of these songs vanish in the air.
Keep up this mighty chant,
hold on, I no longer can’t.
Ciao Juha Rämö, ma che triste addio!
Spero che tu non sia così triste per davvero…
Tieni duro anche tu, qualunque cosa ti sia capitata.
Io invece spero di rincontrarti ancora sulla CCG/AWS, tu e la tua strana lingua.
Un abbraccio
Bernart Bartleby
(prego qualcuno degli Admins di voler tradurre in inglese queste brevi righe, io non me la cavo bene)